Protective Arm Sleeves Safeguard People from Coming Into Contact With Hazardous Substances

Glove protection is not always enough to prevent worker exposure in infectious environments. Of course, choosing the appropriate glove is crucial, but what happens when that glove only partially covers the rest of the arm? If a lab employee's arms are at risk, protective clothing and hand protection PPE will not be sufficient. The wrist area is particularly vulnerable to exposure, but our adaptable technologies can completely eliminate this risk.

Here we are introducing the
protective arm sleeves, which can be worn over clothing or on bare arms as an additional layer of protection. These sleeve protectors allow for an easy and secure fit, as they have elastic at both of their ends. They also act as a barrier against chemicals, blood-borne pathogens, particles, and mold.

These arm covers can be worn over bare skin or over clothing as an additional layer of protection for the wrist and forearm area.

To safeguard your employees from coming into contact with hazardous materials, chemical infiltrations, and other hazards, provide them with the appropriate set of protective sleeves. Apart from the above-mentioned uses, there are many other benefits of protective arm sleeves. Let's discuss a few of them.


  • Painting project-shields clothing from paint and dirt.
  • Kitchen cleaning-Guards against oil and grease so that your arm skin is safe from any chores you might get into.
  • Protection in the garden: protects your arms from scuffs and bites from flies or other biting insects in your backyard while you're gardening.

These sleeve protectors are an affordable option if you are on a strict budget. Looking for the best quality sleeve protectors online?

Look no further than WorkGlovesDepot’s protective arm sleeves. We manufacture protective arm sleeves using the latest technology to give the wearer complete protection from arm exposure.


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